If you've been reading this blog...as sooo many of you are, I'm sure; you'll remember one of my heartfelt projects is promoting Zawadi African Tea. I want to bring to light the Kenya AIDS Intervention Prevention Project (KAIPPG); the organization that receives donations from the proceeds of Zawadi African Tea. I just love how people get connected! How our hearts and minds send out light beams of energy, calling to one another. Actually, I just heard a bit about heart/mind energy. It seems our heart center has been scientifically measured to be sending a stronger percentage of energy, a more intense energy field than our heads. So there you have it! We really do communicate from our hearts; reverberate, resonate, red-hot energy. KAIPPG is a grassroots service NGO located in Mumias within Western Kenya, founded in 1995. This is the area that Robert Kihanya, of Zawadi African Tea, is from. KAIPPG has a nine member board, twelve full time staff, and a large team of trained community based volunteers manage the operations of KAIPPG. Since 2000 they have been working with communities to address the "scourge and impacts of AIDS among orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC)." From the 2007 Report I've learned that KAIPPG implemented an extensive nutrition/food security and OVC education programs in Mumias, Teso and Busia Districts in Western Kenya for families affected by HIV/AIDS.
Through my connection with Robert Kihanya and Zawadi African Tea, I've connected with KAIPPG's founder/director, Janet Feldman. We have had a great phone conversation and she is fun as well as accomplished and passionate about her work. And she's the same age as me! She has a background in arts, history, and international relations, with special focus on international conflict-resolution; is a trained mediator; collage artist; and a social-change activist. I'd rather you went to a couple of websites to learn more about Janet. It gives a much broader acknowledgment of who she is and be's. And it makes more connections all around!
http://profiles.takingitglobal.org/Frida; http://orgs.takingitglobal.org/27731
Janet is on the farthest east side of the U.S., Rhode Island; and I'm nearly on the edge of the West coast in California. Our connection has just recently been made, but I feel we'll be working together on who knows how many things. The best part of being in your 50's and beyond is knowing what you can do and knowing you can do it.
A Day Trip to El Triunfo - Cabo Like A Local
I remember going once or twice before when we were kids – I think we had
been at the beach somewhere on the East Cape, and someone was with us – a
visitor ...
5 months ago
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