There’s a majestic redwood tree at the end of my backyard. In the morning, when I sit on our deck steps, way across from it and look up to see the top of the tree, I swear there’s actually a physical connection. I lift my head to focus in on the top branches and when I take in the forest green against the sky blue my body takes in a deep breath. It seems to be a natural reaction: inhale…exhale..ahh.
This is why I work from home. I haven’t achieved financial success yet, but I’m living physical and emotional success and I don’t want to give that up. Everyday is different. This morning, around 6:00am, when I opened my eyes my mind said clearly, “So, what will today bring?”
I don’t get bored. No, I left boredom on the desk of my former corporate cubicle years ago. Didn’t pack that up with my photos and favorite pens. In contrast my work is usually deep in my laptop somewhere; researching, writing, digging through the world wide web. I have to consciously pull myself away and rest my eyes on something “real”. Here at home I can walk outside and grab a cat, prune a rose or just stare at the redwood tree.
But…”show me the money!” I’m really not inclined to become a recluse and I’m not independently wealthy, so money must be made. I’m determined to make this work….this, work. I’m coming to terms with the sort of creature I am and it’s not easy for me to step up and out. I’m working on getting, visualizing, a bigger picture, a broader realm of work, home and abundance.
“Success from the heart”; that’s what I call it. I’ll be interviewing great women I know, and want to know, that are 50+ years old and have achieved the obvious, conventional terms of success in their business. But a beautiful secret to reveal is that their success comes from their hearts; not solely their bank accounts. Stay tuned for more! And tell your friends! =)
P.S. I wrote this sitting on those back steps with cats frolicking and birds chirping…isn’t that just the best?!
A Day Trip to El Triunfo - Cabo Like A Local
I remember going once or twice before when we were kids – I think we had
been at the beach somewhere on the East Cape, and someone was with us – a
visitor ...
5 months ago
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