Friday, March 27, 2009

I may see a Tarantula and I have to get shots.

In the past I've talked about being in my prime; that at 55, I am in my own personal Prime Time. Prime Time is for all of us between the age of 50 and 70 (and beyond! who knows?). We've got so many strange and wonderful experiences behind us and we have EARNED our wisdom. (see my post from January) So, with all those happy and motivational thoughts, the next thing I came upon is CHANGE. Ohhh; with all this knowledge and ability to choose wisely, now I realize that many decisions will require a change in myself. You see, I am accutely aware of what and how I did things I handled relationships, obligations, commitments, goals, obstacles and on and on. About 35 years, a entire lifetime, of gettin' it all together. Now, in my prime I know that to move forward I may...most likely...certainly will, have to change: me. I have been embarking on new work/career/income/creative projects for about two years now; navigating the prime of my life. Today I can tell you that when you make changes, big changes, changes to your environment, body, home, relationships, hair, shoes (whatever!) you will be immediately presented with the big, fat fears that have kept you from even considering these wonderful adventures in the first place! In 2006 I had the amazing opportunity to travel to East Africa. It would be in the category of "humanitarian" trip, visiting projects for clean water, schools, and micro-business being developed in Kenya and Tanzania. And it would include 3-4 days of awesome safari. I jumped at the chance! I was elevated, like feet barely touching the ground at the prospect of me going to Africa! Yes! Yes! Yes!...what? inoculations? how many? five?! shots? needles? oh. And my phantom phobia of big, hairy spiders!! jungle! banana trees! wide-open landscapes! they are everywhere! I just know it!

I had to get a grip. I had to change. Because I had to go to Africa; I
had to sieze this opportunity and who I had been in the past just didn't belong there...wouldn't make it. I had just about two months to get things together for this trip. Perhaps the shorter time span is a good thing. Up against it with not much wiggle room. I finally came to terms with my own mantra: I may see a Tarantula and I have to get shots. Being in our Prime is a wonderful and actually, for me, unexpected opportunity and playground. I watched my mom, in her 50's and 60's and beyond and she really wasn't having that much fun. I think in this century, in this time we have cultivated more freedom to be, to express ourselves. I guess you could call it the Boomer Factor; our generation evolving like none before it. But watching my mom and other women going into that age group made it seem like effort and burden was up ahead. Then I landed here...and I am so grateful for who we have become, the choices and freedom I can have. Whew!! And there are changes to be made. To "get with the program" so to speak. I don't want to miss out! I still have flexibility, energy, curiousity and passion! And now I am older and wiser so why not go for it? I may have to change how I've done things in the past. I may have to change my attitude and beliefs. I may see a Tarantula and I have to get shots! How great is that?!!

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