Thursday, May 29, 2008

Alrighty then, let's get started

I was going to call this blog "A Woman of the Middle Ages", because that would be me and I thought my musings and trips and tumbles now at 50-something would be of infinite interest to many. Maybe...

But mostly I want to keep yakking and prodding about my advocacy for responsible travel and Fair Trade. I'm not perfect, I still shop at a big box now and then; but I spend extra time reading labels and browsing websites of products and companies to make sure I'm not contributing to ugly, unfair practices. And I want to include my brilliant friends and colleagues to contribute their passions and expertise on who knows how many subjects!

So this is the intro post. I haven't even had breakfast yet; so I'll be back....
(this is a short post, forget the "read more"...that's a Blogger thing)

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